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Jasmine Maynor
Faire un don

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I am Jasmine Maynor, and I am from Brooklyn Park. I have been dancing with Dancin' On Broadway for the past 5 years. This year, I was on the "Xtreme Team" (and competed with 11 different dances at each competition (jazz, tap, contemporary and hip hop). This was my first year doing a Solo, and at the last competition, which was Starpower, I received the "Discovery Spotlight Award". This was awesome and I was so surprised to have been chosen. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I would love to participate. The award is only a "partial in-person" scholarship, and I am fundraising to help cover the balance. I will be participating in different workshops and competitions for dancing and modeling during this event which will be in Myrtle Beach, SC

During my dance season, I dance about 12 hours each week ( 4 days a week) as well as assist in classes with our younger dancers at the studio. I am trying to raise $2000 over the next 30 days to secure my spot in Myrtle Beach. I am committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve my goals. I would be grateful for any support you can provide. Any donations and/or help with sharing my fundraiser on Social Media is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your continuous support with my love for dance.




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