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Help me Fund my Boat for Worlds in Madeira
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After the amazing opportunity to represent GB at the Ocean Racing World Championships in Australia last year, I have just been re-selected for the national team to compete at Worlds in Madeira in September. While this is a little closer to home, logistics are very complicated and it's proving to be a challenge to have a boat to compete in. I will either have to rent a boat there, or get my own boat to Porto to be shipped to Madeira. I don't know specifics yet, but it will likely cost around 500 €, so raising that amount would be an important stepping stone in getting me race-ready! I've been training hard and making progress (I post some updates about this on my Instagram and website), and will continue to work hard so I feel ready once I get to that start line.
I appreciate any support, so if you can't or don't want to donate, having a look at my blog or following along with my progress on my social media means a lot, too.


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